Interview with Sam DiFrancesco


Recently, I got to interview (via Phone) Sam Difrancesco, 23, a recent graduate of Delaware Community College in May of 2014. As a Computer Aided Design (CAD) graduate, Sam answered some questions about the Arts and STEM subjects.

Can you explain your Major/Career at this point in time?

“My name is Sam DiFrancesco and I’m a Engineering/Computer Aided Design (CAD) major with a Bachelors Degree from Delaware Community College. I currently work as  a CAD Tech-1 at UC Energetic. I’m in charge of creating schematics for electric wiring and piping for construction workers.”

Do you feel that the importance of the Arts (Art, Music, theater, etc.) is often overlooked when deciding the important subjects in a curriculum? Why or Why not?

“I think yes because most of the popular arts (Music and Visual Arts) are not viewed in a professional light.”

Is there too much attention towards STEM (Science, technology, Engineering, Math) subjects?

“Those subjects are helpful with the improvement and development of mankind. It’s necessary to help mankind make discoveries and progress forward in their evolution. So, no, I don’t think there’s an extreme amount of attention towards the STEM subjects.”

Many areas do not have exposure to the Arts. How can we make changes to give opportunity to everyone?

“Through proper funding, fundraisers and government programs we can provide an arts education to the less fortunate.”

Explain how the Arts did or did not impact your childhood (high school or prior). What school subjects did you most prefer? Least prefer?

“The arts impacted my childhood because I learned how to play the guitar and drums. I enjoyed electives the most, like General Music, but I disliked foreign languages and English.”

How do STEM subjects prepare a student for the real world?

“They give you the tools to handle real life situations such as logic, concrete evidence, and decision-making skills.”

How does or doesn’t the Arts prepare a student for the real world?

“It opens new pathways for alternative thinking by promoting creative and out-of-the-box methods that are not taught through traditional stem subjects.”

Would you say that both the Arts and STEM subjects are needed to be successful? Or is one more important then the other?

“Both of them are required to be successful and are equally important.”


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